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Welcome to
Transgender Support
and Information
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Hello and welcome to the Transgender Support and information section of our Web
Site. First of all if you are just coming out of the closet, still in the closet, and or have just
discovered the Transgender Community and are puzzled about Who you are and Why
you are so different you can relax now because you are not alone. Everyone of us have
been where you are now or have been. Each of us have experienced the fear of being
found out, feared the discovery of our deepest lifes secret. I want to tell you that there
are Millions of us in the world, from every walk of life, from every profession and Trade,
from every race of people on this earth. So rest asured, you are not alone expereincing
your desires. We are here to help you understand yourself and why you are who you are
and why you are so different and also that you are not crazy, sick in the head, weird or
anything else but, you are a normal human being.  

Your being a crossdresser or a transsexual is something your were born with. It is a part of your chemical make up of life. There are men and women both who have the same feelings as you. There are those who just have the desire to wear the clothing of the opposite sex or live as the opposite sex full time or even have a sex change which is called SRS, Sex reassignemnt Surgery. You have probably had these feelings ever since you can remember. Maybe as far back as 5 years old or even younger. You may not have experienced any of these feelings until your reached puberty, maybe your teen years and all of a sudden you have a desire to wear the opposite sex clothing and wonder if there was any thing wrong with you. You have probably feared that you were a little weird or you were the only one who had this desire or even thought you were crazy.

Parts of this web site are here to help you understand a little better who you are and why you exist as you do in life. We are not professional Psychologist or Psychiatrist, we're not even therapist but we do have the experience and knowledge of our own lifes experiences and what we have learn thru our lifes long journey as Crossdressers and Transsexuals. We have even taugh some the professionals about who we are and why we exist as we do as you probably will in the years to come as you also learn about who you are and why.

If you have not joined a Transgender support group the first thing you should do is find one that is close to you and make attempts to join it as soon as you can. There you will find the support and information you seek if you are seeking help and support to learn and understand who you are and why. You will also meet others like yourself who have years of experience being who they are and will help you on your journey to your learning. When you join a Transgender support group you will find that most all members offer acceptance, compassion, understanding, information and much more. During meetings of support groups you will discuss all different aspects of Transexxual / Transition, and Crossdressing, from coming out of the closet, to surgery, and everything in between. Many attendees at Transgender support group meetings range from first timers, to full timers. You will come to realize that you are not alone and you will find many like yourself at these meetings.

In this section you will find many links to support groups, crossdressers and transsexuals personel web sites and links to help you understand yourself a little better. Remember, the best thing you can do for yourself if you are seeking help, guidence and support is to join a Transgender support group near you. To go to the support and information links just click below.

The Support and Information Links Section

If you are a parent or care giver with Transgender Children looking for help, guidence, support or information please click the the Transgender Childrens Support link in our web site directory.

Transology is a Non Profit Transgender Educational and Support Organization
We exist on the dues of our membership, grants, and donations.

The Study of Transgenderism
Offering Transgender Education and Support Services
Chapters in York and Lancaster, Pa.
A Premier Transgender
Educational and Support Organization