Explaining Transgenderism, It's Terminology and Categories
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What is sex reassignment surgery (SRS)?

SRS is the permanent surgical refashioning of sexual anatomy to resemble that of the
appropriate sex. For MTF transsexuals, SRS involves the conversion of penile and scrotal
tissue into female genitalia. For FTM transsexuals, it may be limited to just top surgery
(breast removal) and sometimes hysterectomy. While many transmen become satisfied
with their new male anatomy, most opt out of genital surgeries for a variety of reasons,
including the expense and dissatisfaction with the results. Many MTF trans people also
undergo additional cosmetic procedures, including electrolysis to remove facial and body
hair, breast augmentation, Adams Apple reduction, hair transplantation, liposuction and
many types of facial surgeries.

What is the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation?

Gender identity is a person's internal sense of being a man or a woman, a boy or a girl.
Sexual orientation is someone's sexual attraction to others who may be of the opposite
sex, the same sex, or either sex. Like other people, transgendered people can be straight,
gay, lesbian or bisexual. Generally speaking, their gender identity - not their physical sex
status - determines their sexual orientation.

What is Gender Identity Disorder (GID)?

GID is a psychological classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association. Although GID is the only
diagnosis under which trans people may receive treatment, and therefore necessary, it
also is controversial. GID has been used inappropriately and harmfully by some
psychotherapists to treat gender variant youth. Moreover, many if not most trans people
also believe they do not have a mental disorder.

Transgender Terminology


People who were born with the physical outer body of one gender but their brain
developed as the opposite gender, these people pursue gender reassignment through the use of hormones, surgery, and/or changes of identity, to live as a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth.

Bi Gender:

A person who Indentifys as both male and female, not at the same time but in some instances both genders surface at the same time. When genders surface at the same time this can cause mixed gender emotions, gender needs and characteristics. This is called gender switching. Both genders exist within the brain and uncontrollably switch at different points in time. Sometimes not switching for days, weeks, months and other time switching within hours and minutes. When genders switch the person still remembers everything. It is not like having a split personality where one personality takes over and the other subsides. All memories, personal emotions and who you are still remain as a normal individual but the gender needs, feelings, and desires change. The feeling of being either female or male intensifies but that person still remains who they are. Most of the time the gender switch is not noticeable to other people because the Bi Gender persons personalities still remain the same but their inner self feeling of being changes to either being dominate female or dominate male with underlying tendensies of the opposite Gender still remaining.

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