There will be a meeting of the combined chapters (Mountville and York) of ROSE on Saturday August 15 at the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, 2164 Mt. Zion Road, York, Pennsylvania. Doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting will begin at 8:30 PM. Please enter at the back of the building. The guest speaker for the evening will be Lorraine Bach from Nightingale Health Services in Harrisburg. The topic is Hormone Therapy for the transgendered, HRT pro and con.
Please bring something to share for refreshments.
From our President,
Ellen Davidson
Ellen’s Corner:
It’s been a couple of months since I wrote an article for this newsletter. Here I sit on City Island, wearing shorts and a sexy red top and sandals. I am looking for inspiration and I thought about the topic of what it is like to be out in public cross dressed en femme.
In the last couple of months I have had plenty of opportunities to go out. On the evening of July 4th, I watched the fireworks display with a couple of CD girlfriends from Riverfront Park in beautiful downtown Harrisburg.
Later in the month I was in Atlantic City for a business convention and still found time to go to the boardwalk and the casinos, also en femme with a TG friend. During the afternoon we even went to the pool, where she wore a bikini and I wasn’t that brave or had the body for it. Nonetheless, we did attract some attention, and much to my and his surprise, we almost got picked up by a gentleman in the hot tub.
When we were in Atlantic City we used public transportation, the shuttle that runs between Harrah’s and Caesar’s and the Jitneys. Even though we were dressed enfemme, we encountered no problems.
I participated with a group of about 19 other CDs, TS, TGs, etc in the Gay Pride Parade recently held in Harrisburg. We walked (marched) over a mile or so up Second Street and down Front Street to the Pride Fest. It was great to see many people cheering and encouraging us in our chosen gender identity and as members of the transgender community. I did not hear any negatives (except from the street preachers) from the appreciative crowds. Instead there were a lot of positive comments, applause and “You go Girl!” even as our group was introduced at the reviewing stand. How did I feel? I felt great, I was not concerned what others thought about us. I also was not concerned that somebody would recognize me who knew me and would then ridicule me for being cross dressed.
I am glad that I took the first step to going out enfemme many years ago. I dressed up for Halloween many times. Later in life I took the opportunity to dress and go for a drive first at night and later in the daytime. After developing more courage I found I could dress and go thru a drive thru such as Wendy’s. In most cases there were no repercussions but occasionally I attracted some attention from the fast food crew.
It took a lot more nerve and encouragement from online CD friends until I developed enough courage to venture forth and attend my first Renaissance meeting in Harrisburg. I was very self-conscious at first but soon overcame that and now I enjoy going out enfemme whenever I can. I have even attended the Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair as a medieval wench.
There is a new nite club that has opened up at 400 North Second Street in downtown Harrisburg.
EGYPT is a new alternative club. We checked it out recently and found it to be TG friendly, fabulous decor, reasonably priced drinks, and good music. EGYPT was at the Pride fest in Harrisburg.
It is great that here in America we have the freedom to express our chosen gender. To my knowledge it is not against the law anywhere in the United States to crossdress as long as you are not doing it as a disguise to rob a bank or some other dastardly crime. This is not the case in some foreign countries.
Although Transvestites and CDs are found worldwide they are not welcomed everywhere; particularly in Islamic countries they are persecuted, tortured and sometimes even executed. Iran and Iraq are not TG friendly places and I hope that some of my CD friends that are in the service and in the Middle East in the service or as advisors and contractors will be safe until they return.
I recently read an article in USA Today, which relates the plight of the gay and transgendered in Baghdad. This one gay man told Iraqi police’ “I’m not a terrorist; I know I am different, but I am not a terrorist”. He had long hair and female breasts from taking hormones. The police were amused and ridiculed and harassed him. The man contacted a London-based LGBT group and asked for help. A couple of months later, he was found dead and mutilated, apparently the victim of a militant group. According to the article this is not an unusual situation.
To sum it all up, since we live in the USA, we have the freedom to crossdress. There is no greater joy and happiness than that which you find by being yourself and being proud of whom you are.
Ellen Davidson
President – ROSE
From: Michelle Lynn GreyFeather
What and Who is a Cross dresser, Why do We Cross dress?
This article will be on a Male to Female Cross dresser, but the subject matter also relates to female to male. This will be a short article on the subject because of space.
Lately I have been told that some groups and individuals believe that a cross dresser is someone who likes to wear the opposite Genders clothing and perform self-sexual satisfaction. I have also been asked what exactly is a cross dresser and why do they cross dress. In this article I will explain my findings. The following is what I feel I have learned from my research and study over the years:
I have researched and studied Crossdressing and Transsexualism extensively to try to find out just why I loved to cross dress and emulate being a female. In the beginning I thought I was the only one who did this as most of us thought in the beginning of our Crossdressing or Transsexual journey. I thought I was really weird and needed psychological help. I thought I was crazy and it scared me because I knew I was so different then my friends. My friends did not like to wear dresses or pretend to be a female and if they found out I did they would make fun of me and call me all kinds of names and put labels on me. I became really self-conscious about myself and why I cross dressed. I was always in fear of being discovered or caught in the act. This fear lead to my doing much research and study on Crossdressing and Transsexualism. I spent a lot of time reading books and studying documents and research studies and also searching the Internet for information and details about the subjects.
A Cross dresser is someone who wears the clothing of the opposite gender but does not feel as if they are a female born in a male body. They are born with a desire, need and compulsion to dress en fem, some in different ways and to different extremes then others. This depends on how much, (lets keep this simple), feminine information they were born with in the part of the brain which identifies with gender identification and or sexual preference as well the chemical make up meaning in part the XX and XY factors. Both Crossdressing and Transsexualism begin in the womb during the cycle for gender assignment of the fetus put in simple terms.
Self sexual gratification has no bearing on being a cross dresser as some seem to believe, but, self stimulation can and does materialize in a percentage of those who cross dress because of the erotic feeling and sexual satisfaction. If this occurs then it could continue even after understanding who and why they are because of addiction, hobby and or a habit ...... It is said that the largest percentage of Cross dresser's are Heterosexual, a percentage are Bi and a percentage are Gay. The extent of Crossdressing can range from just wearing the undergarments of the opposite gender under one's clothing to completely dressing En Fem and going out into public places and emulating being a female.
What is the difference in Crossdressing and being Transsexual.
A Transsexual is a person who is born with the physical appearance of one gender but has the brain and chemical make up of the opposite gender. As in a woman born in a male’s body or a male born in a female’s body. These people have all the physical characteristics of their born gender on the outside of their body but their soul, brain and chemical make up are that of the opposite gender. Their actions, their thought processes, their moods, their self awareness, their mannerisms, their movements are all part of their inner most feelings, part of who they really are inside versus who they appear to be on the outside.
A cross dresser is a person born with the desire to wear the opposite gender’s clothing, emulate that of the opposite born gender and usually to one extent or another dream of being the opposite gender but do not believe they are a woman born in the wrong body but love the feeling of being feminine and dressing en fem. There are however a low percentage of crossdressers who may be close to being transsexual but do not cross that barrier and just remain being that of a cross dresser. Usually this is for fear of taking the next step to not understanding who they actually are.
There are many sub communities of Crossdressing under the Transgender Umbrella. Crossdressing can range from just wearing the undergarments of the opposite gender to dressing completely en fem and going into public and trying to pass as a female. When most Cross dresser's begin their Transgender journey in life it is usually as a act of a fetish and self-sexual satisfaction and pleasure when Cross dressed. But, after a time, be it short or long and or when one begins to realize who they are and what their inner feelings are self-sexual satisfaction dissipates and the desire takes over to be either just a cross dresser or Transsexual. This then becomes their life's journey of either secrecy or life style, mostly being lifestyle as in SRS and living full time as a transsexual or dressing en fem when ever possible as a cross dresser trying to keep that a major secret in their lives for fear of ridicule and loss of loved ones and friends and loss of job etc ...... Sexual satisfaction then becomes something of the past or it could linger for sometime but the fact is self-sexual satisfaction is not why a cross dresser dresses in feminine clothing. True, there are some that continue to cross dress for the pleasure of self-sexual satisfaction but this is not something that came from the desire want and need at birth, this is something that comes from habit as well as hobby. You could say that this would be an addiction to self-stimulation while Crossdressed just as a gender male may become addicted to self-sexual satisfaction.
There are however many other categories of crossdressing not related to being born a cross dresser. Please check out the following link which I came across some time ago. In this link you will find different types of crossdressing not linked to being born with the desire to crossdress.:
Why do I Crossdress
I cross dress because I was born with a strong desire, need, compulsion and want to wear feminine clothing and emulate that of being female. I emulate a female because I have a desire to be a woman, but, I am not a woman in a man's body. It is very difficult to describe the feelings of being a cross dresser. It is like wanting to be both at the same time with one over powering one or the other.
One: I love being my gender self, a man and doing manly things.
Two: I love emulating being a female and love the feeling of being and or feeling feminine when I dress in female clothing and love dressing en fem. But, at the same time, I hardly ever forget that I am a male and at the same time I wish I were not a male but born a female. This only happens when I am en fem or begin to think about feminine things or see something sexy or a woman who is some what endowed, shapely and pretty. For example .... If I were to see a woman wearing say a knee high skirt, blouse and jacket that is very sexy and or stylish with high heel boots and a nice hair do I would say to myself I wish I could wear something like that in public and pass or for example I may see a very shapely woman and say to myself I wish I could look like that.
Three: There are times when I think to myself, I wish I were born female. Why? Because I love wearing feminine clothing and feeling femininely sexy when I cross dress but again I do not feel like I am a woman in a mans body.
Four: I am a heterosexual male with Bi curiosity but will never discover or experience that of being Bi. The only time I am Bi curious is when I am en fem portraying a female and feeling femininely sexy. I have never had any desire to have sex with a man whether he is Transsexual or Cross dressed. However, I have had curiosity feelings as to what it would be like having sex while Cross dressed with a man or a woman. Figure that one out!
Why do you crossdress?
Give the above some thought and you might surprise yourself with what you discover and then again you may not. We are all different in our needs and wants crossdressing. Some of us have stronger needs and desires then others but we all were born with the desire to crossdress.
Again the above are my feelings on what I have learned and taken from the contents of my research. Others may have different opinions on the subjects.
Those of you who read this little article on who crossdressers are and why we crossdress who are still in the closet. Don't be afraid to discover yourself and understand why you are who you are. Attend a Transgender meeting close to your location and meet people just like you who have been where you are. You will find life much more enjoyable once you understand yourself and your desires to crossdress.
Greetings from The Den
Well it certainly has been an odd summer in regards to the weather. Just as I was getting used to fall like weather in August, the dog days of July and August came in like a bat out of hell! Now it’s just muggy, hot, soggy wonderful fun!
This month we decided to combine the two chapter meetings into one due to the 2nd Friday falling on the same weekend as the 3rd Saturday of the month! Are you as confused as I am? Let me explain, anytime the 1st of the month falls on a Saturday then more than likely the 2nd Friday will fall on the same weekend as the 3rd Saturday, is that clear as mud?
We have a wonderful speaker this month, once again back by popular demand; we have Lorraine Boch (I think I spelled that right, maybe). Lorraine will be speaking to us on hormones as she does this for a living and has a bit of a good reputation in our community. She will tell you that these are not magic pills to make you feel girly girly, if you are seeking that, then hormones are not for you. They will however give you a more feminine body, the girly girly stuff you have to do on your own; it has to come from inside you.
She will also be talking about the pro’s and cons of the different hormones, she is quite knowledgeable and you will benefit from her talk.
I received a phone call from a potential new member who had questions to ask about Transgenderism and our meetings and I was getting ready to go to bed but I took her phone call because ROSE and our transgendered sisters and brothers are such a big part of my life and you are all very important to me that I cannot ignore the call. Never be afraid to call me Dahlings! I am there for you as are the other board members.
At worst I will take your name and number and ask if I can call you back, but I would never blow off a serious call. For those of you who don’t know, yes you can come to the meetings dressed as your biological self, you won’t be the only one believe me. She is just starting out on her journey, a wonderful journey I might add, and I was telling her what the old days were like, versus the new days, there are a lot of differences as any TG over a certain age will tell you.
I also remember my first time when I responded to an ad in the Philadelphia gay newspaper. Back then they had PO boxes, partially for screening purposes, anyway I recall getting a phone call a week after I mailed the letter from Lars who was helping to head up the LSV chapter of Renaissance which was then located in York. I recall going to my first meeting in male attire, seeing all of the lovely ladies dressed up in their attire.
It was a thrill because I was always pretty much awestruck back then whenever I saw a transgendered person because back in the day it was really really taboo and a lot of us thought we were the only ones on the entire planet that were this way, so anytime you even thought you saw one (let alone up close) well you thought you were in heaven.
We had a booth at Lancaster Pride back in June and it was truly an interesting day because it rained on an off pretty much up until the last hour. There was mud everywhere, not the time for heels! The protesters of course came out but not all of them; I guess the rain kept them away, so much for their mission to change our minds about how we are. There were also inter-tubers there and we never did figure out if they were part of the protestors or what their deal was.
Ellen made an interesting comment when we were asked about our standing in the GBLT community: She said, “we are the bastard child” and a gay male responded with: “oh dear me, I hope you are not right but sadly I think you are right.”
Unfortunately Ellen is all too correct in that assessment as to how the others see us; we are the evil step-children, the ones who started the Stone Wall riots 40 years ago! That is what many of the gays and lesbians will tell you. Things have gotten better but we still have a long way to go in the GBLT community, and even further in the straight community. That is partially why organizations like ROSE exist and why it is important that people come out to the meetings, community I could not think of a better word for it.
I have made some lasting wonderful friends since I came out in 1993 all because of the support groups, I have done many things, been to different places, all because of groups like ROSE and if I can return the favor to any of you then I am damned well gonna try!
I almost forgot, last month Danielle gave a brilliant talk on transgenderism that had us all thinking about ourselves and our gender roles and how they came to be. I will speak to the board about possibly having Danielle actually give a talk about this as last time it was very much impromptu but needed.
I look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting this Saturday, August 15th, 2009 and maybe Ellen will have more stories for us, she always seems to find adventure in all she does! We love ya Ellen!
Ta Ta, Dianna
The LGBT Community Center Coalition of Central PA is holding the
Fall Achievement Benefit Saturday, November 14, 2009 at the Lancaster County Convention Center and Marriot at Penn Square, Lancaster, PA.
This will be a gala “Black Tie optional” event and is open to all in the transgender community. The event will benefit The LGBT Community center of central PA and Common Roads. This is a great opportunity to see the new Convention center in Lancaster and to support the LGBT Community. VIP reception, Dinner, and National speakers are planned. Dance music will be provided by D J Freeze.
There will be several levels of participation from the VIP ticket, Classic Ticket, and
“I just wanna Dance! Ticket for $20. For more information check out the website.
From The ROSE Board
Watch for these upcoming meeting Programs
Make up application and tricks to glamour
Wig Styling and maintenance
How to portray a female or male in public
Movie Night, showing a top rated first run movie
Transgender therapist / counselor speaker
Religion and Transgenderism and crossdressing
Police Speaker and helping police to understand crossdressers and transsexuals
Group Transgender discussion, pointers on not being read ....
Style, how to dress, what to wear and how to wear it for both Trans male and trans female
Clothing Exchange, bring your old clothes that don't fit and trade with others
Holiday dinner
Other very special guest speakers on various subjects on Transgender
T Girl Make Over Services
After discussing T Girl make overs with Wayne after the meeting program he agreed to become our very own Special Make Over Service for Rose .... and ..... The Transgender Community. Wayne, better known as Roxi, can give you a complete make over and you will come away looking like a Beauty Queen. Wayne has given make overs and applied make up for Gender women, Female Illusionist and T Girls locally and as far away as New York. He is a professional make up artist in the Local area and also has agreed to keep the cost low and work with T Girls who want to have make overs. So, if you ever wanted to have a complete make over here's is your chance to become that Beauty Queen you always wanted to be.
If you think you cannot be made over to look like that Beauty Queen you always wanted to be and have your doubts take a look at the Before and After pictures of those in New York who are members of FemmFever who had make overs done by their T girl make over service. I am sure you will find that no matter what you look like as a boy your girly look will be glamous. ....... contact for Roxi (Wayne) is below........
Roxi's T-Girl Make Over Services .... 717- 691- 3179
The Rose Board has discussed having a movie night a couple times a year as a meeting program of which I think is a great idea myself. So ... as of now our schedule for our May meeting will be a movie night. We will have a Large Screen TV , at least a 50 inch viewing screen to view the movie which will be either a Projection or Plazma TV. This way it will feel like your in a movie theater and no one will be straining their eyes to see the movie. So bring your popcorn or enjoy our snacks and of course enjoy the movie. We will announce the title of the movie near the end of April. It will be Transgender Related and will be an interesting movie, guaranteed.......
___________________________________________________________________________________________ 
Submit an Article to the ROSE Newsletter
If anyone would like to submit an article in our newsletter please feel free to contact us at anytime. Our newsletter goes out to over 200 members of the Transgender Community, mostly T-Girls but there are several T-Men and others on the list also. Just send your article to .. ... and we will review it and enter it into our next newsletter. Our community mailing list is private and no one can see anyones e-mail address at any time. All communications are send out to the TG Community in bulk mailings. Your article will be read by over 200 T-Girls and Men in the Local TG Community as well as millions over the internet. You can place your articles in our newsletter free.
Advertise in the ROSE Newsletter or Web site
If anyone would like to advertise in our newsletter or our Web Site @ ...please feel free to contact us and we will discuss our low fee for advertising in the ROSE Newsletter. This offer is open to Individuals, Businesses and others ...... Please contact us about advertising by sending us an e-mail to ..... and we will get back to you as so as possible .. When advertising in our Web Site and / or our Newsletter your ad will get out to over 200 T-Girls and Men as well as other in the local TG Community as well as get out to millions on the Internet.
Classified Section of the ROSE Newsletter
Do you have something to sell, wigs, clothing, shoes, misc, Have a service you can perform, Looking for something,
Real Estate for Rent, Handy girl/man services for hire, need help doing something, need help at your business
We are thinking of starting a classified section of our ROSE Newsletter. If anyone would like to place a classified ad in our newsletter please feel free to contact us at .... classified ads from individuals are free to place. No businesses will be able to place ads in the classified section without a small fee. When placing a classified Ad in our Web Site and / or our Newsletter your ad will get out to over 200 T-Girls and Men as well as other in the local TG Community as well as get out to millions on the Internet.
Oriental Fashions of China, USA
Chinese Dresses for sale,
Check out the Web Site then contact me direct for the discount and to order ... ________________________________________________________________________________________