There are special Easter activities going on at the Church in Mountville on our regular meeting night, Friday April 10, so for this month only we will meet at the MCC church in Mountville on Friday, April 17. Please enter at the rear of the church.
We are not scheduling a program but we will discuss any topic of interest and we offer our support to any and all that attends.
Please bring something to share for refreshments.
From our new President, Ellen Davidson
I hope everyone has a nice Easter and an opportunity to spend the Holidays with their family and loved ones. Spring is upon us and the grass is growing and soon will need mowing; this is a time to be rejuvenated.
We all have our own ideas on what would be interesting as a program and what subjects everyone would like to hear about at a Transgender meeting. I would like to hear from some of you on your ideas of what you would like to have as program at our meetings. We are here to serve the Transgender community and what you would like to know about, have discussion on as well as have guest speakers to talk about is a major concern of ours so we can better serve you the community. Please send your ideas to us to the following e-mail address and we will do our best to bring your ideas to our meetings for you and the community. ( ) .....
For those of you who missed it, the First Keystone Transgender Conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Harrisburg last month was a great success. The Conference was held March 12-14 and had over 140 in attendance. There were great seminars and speakers, a side trip to the Holly Wood Casino at Penn National; dining at several nice restaurants in downtown Harrisburg followed by some nightclubbing, and a gala Banquet and Ball to close out the event on Saturday night. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend it next year.
Above picture there are some of the nearly 100 ladies that were in attendance at the luncheon for the Keystone Transgender Conference, listening to Mara Keisling the Executive Director of the National Council for Transgender Equality.
Ellen Davidson
Renaissance of South Eastern Pennsylvania
Mesasage from Michelle Lynn GreyFeather
Hi everyone!
First I would like to let everyone know that I have had to step down as President of ROSE due to health problems and family related circumstances. I really hated to do it but I felt it was in the best interest of the members and visitors of ROSE and the TG community. I have enjoyed representing you and helping those who have come forward seeking help and information and will miss it greatly. But, the good news is there was someone else, Ellen Davidson, elected to fill the Presidents chair that I feel will benefit the TG Community immensely and provide a great wealth of information and support to those seeking it as well as give 200 percent of her valuable time to help members and visitors alike. I think she was the best choice of all nominated and the one who will do the best job sitting in the Presidents Chair. I will remain in the background of ROSE and assist when needed or called upon and will continue to come to meetings when I can.
We really look forward to seeing you all here at one time or another, preferably every month but as we all know some of us just do not have that opportunity, please do remember that we are, all friends to each other, so please don't loose touch with us, real friends are not easily come by these days especially those who really understand who we are and who accept us for just being us. Also remember that we offer a totally free confidential support service, so if there are times when you need to talk over problems or need any help, we are here for you, just telephone us by going to our contact section in the web site, or E-mail us at ............................ ... to ask us questions or to arrange a face to face meeting.
Some have asked the question does the cross dresser or Transsexual have to dress at the meetings?
We maintain a non-pressure type atmosphere since we realize how very difficult it is for some new members and visitors to come to a meeting. Some members come dressed, others change in an area provided. Some come in male or female clothes because of other commitments or they didn’t feel like dressing. There is never pressure on you to dress. It is all part of understanding the nature of our special group of cross dressers and Transsexuals who have given much of their valuable time to serve and help those of us in need and who have many questions that need answers.
To our first time visitors:
The main goals of ROSE are:
(1) To provide a safe, friendly and understanding safe haven for male or female cross dressers' and Transsexual's
and their spouses/significant others.
(2) To help each other explore who and what we are and help to solve the questions and problems we all face and
explain our needs desires
(3) Provide a nurturing supportive structure in which we can fine-tune the “better half” of our gender-gifted selves.
Most of our members have been either crossdressing or Transsexuals for all of their lives. We can all remember the very first time we contacted a support group and communicated with another cross dresser. I for one was happily surprised at the amount of help my contact at a Transgender Support group gave me, and the lengths she / he went to help me begin the exploration of my feminine side. The need we all share gives us a common bond that runs very deep, and it is this bond that gives strength to the sister and brotherhood of our chapter and our chapter life. Many of us have developed life long friends through support groups. If you are one of the many people out there struggling with crossdressing issues or facing Transsexual problems we believe we can help. The positive support of other people that share your outlook on gender can be both very liberating and comforting.
Come and join us at ROSE... we would love to see you at one of our monthly meetings! We feel that it's a wonderful lifestyle if you give it a chance; besides, we’d be thrilled to have you join us!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any special programs you would like to see or any special speakers you would like to hear at one our meetings. Our meetings are set up especially for you, the members and visitors or ROSE and the TG community. All Ideas and request will be reviewed by the board of directors and basically approved when they meet the subject matter of Transgender issues, problems and questions.
Hugs to all,
Michelle Lynn GreyFeather,
Chief Executive Officer
The Endocrine Society has issued new draft guidelines for the treatment of transsexual persons, including children and adolescents. For more information visit their website
Cathy’s Chatter
April 2009
In recent months I have read some rather animated e-mails between our board and the powers that be at some potential meeting sites. One of the places we were turned down had some valid reasons based on the fact that those who were making the decisions were uneducated about those of us in the transgendered community. Most likely, what they knew about our community, they learned from the individuals who appeared on the various talk shows who took great satisfaction in making not only themselves, but also the rest of the transgendered community look like complete fools. Unfortunately, this is the way many in society see us. Many more see us as sexual perverts that need to be kept away from their children.
ROSE is about debunking these falsehoods. We all know that the flamboyant individuals we see on television are not representative of the transgendered community. We are the people who go to work everyday and support our families. Those who feel the need to cross dress are causing harm to no one, yet society has issues with it. Those of us who are transsexual are on the other end of the spectrum and deal with the fact every minute of everyday that we were born in the wrong body. The psychological impact of this is beyond description. Because society as a whole has issues with the transgendered community, we form groups to offer support and caring away from the prejudices of the world. ROSE is one such group. ROSE meetings are a place to come to get away from the prejudices and be among friends.
I will end my column this month by extending an open invitation to anyone in the lgbt community to come to a meeting and see what we are about. It matters not if you are still in the closet, exploring coming out, or have come to terms with who you are. You can come as you are, ROSE has no dress codes. Our meetings are open for discussion on any topic and we are also open to suggestions concerning what types of programs you would like to see. Give us a try; you will see the difference the support of likeminded individuals can make.
T Girl Make Over Services
After discussing T Girl make overs with Wayne after the meeting program he agreed to become our very own Special Make Over Service for Rose .... and ..... The Transgender Community. Wayne, better known as Roxi, can give you a complete make over and you will come away looking like a Beauty Queen. Wayne has given make overs and applied make up for Gender women, Female Illusionist and T Girls locally and as far away as New York. He is a professional make up artist in the Local area and also has agreed to keep the cost low and work with T Girls who want to have make overs. So, if you ever wanted to have a complete make over here's is your chance to become that Beauty Queen you always wanted to be.
If you think you cannot be made over to look like that Beauty Queen you always wanted to be and have your doubts take a look at the Before and After pictures of those in New York who are members of FemmFever who had make overs done by their T girl make over service. I am sure you will find that no matter what you look like as a boy your girly look will be glamous. ....... contact for Roxi (Wayne) is below........
Roxi's T-Girl Make Over Services .... 717- 691- 3179
The Rose Board has discussed having a movie night a couple times a year as a meeting program of which I think is a great idea myself. So ... as of now our schedule for our May meeting will be a movie night. We will have a Large Screen TV , at least a 50 inch viewing screen to view the movie which will be either a Projection or Plazma TV. This way it will feel like your in a movie theater and no one will be straining their eyes to see the movie. So bring your popcorn or enjoy our snacks and of course enjoy the movie. We will announce the title of the movie near the end of April. It will be Transgender Related and will be an interesting movie, guaranteed.......
Submit an Article to the ROSE Newsletter
If anyone would like to submit an article in our newsletter please feel free to contact us at anytime. Our newsletter goes out to over 200 members of the Transgender Community, mostly T-Girls but there are several T-Men and others on the list also. Just send your article to .. ... and we will review it and enter it into our next newsletter. Our community mailing list is private and no one can see anyones e-mail address at any time. All communications are send out to the TG Community in bulk mailings. Your article will be read by over 200 T-Girls and Men in the Local TG Community as well as millions over the internet. You can place your articles in our newsletter free.
Advertise in the ROSE Newsletter or Web site
If anyone would like to advertise in our newsletter or our Web Site @ ...please feel free to contact us and we will discuss our low fee for advertising in the ROSE Newsletter. This offer is open to Individuals, Businesses and others ...... Please contact us about advertising by sending us an e-mail to ..... and we will get back to you as so as possible .. When advertising in our Web Site and / or our Newsletter your ad will get out to over 200 T-Girls and Men as well as other in the local TG Community as well as get out to millions on the Internet.
Classified Section of the ROSE Newsletter
Do you have something to sell, wigs, clothing, shoes, misc, Have a service you can perform, Looking for something,
Real Estate for Rent, Handy girl/man services for hire, need help doing something, need help at your business
We are thinking of starting a classified section of our ROSE Newsletter. If anyone would like to place a classified ad in our newsletter please feel free to contact us at .... classified ads from individuals are free to place. No businesses will be able to place ads in the classified section without a small fee. When placing a classified Ad in our Web Site and / or our Newsletter your ad will get out to over 200 T-Girls and Men as well as other in the local TG Community as well as get out to millions on the Internet.
Oriental Fashions of China, USA
Chinese Dresses for sale,
Check out the Web Site then contact me direct for the discount and to order ... ________________________________________________________________________________________