Special Links
See who is selling what and for how much. You can probably get some great deals in here for gowns, dresses, shoes, wigs and the list just goes on, check it out. It might be empty right now because it is a new feature but keep checking back so you don't miss great deals on Fantastic buys
Picture Galleries from Pageants and Drag Shows from the Velvet Rope, The Pink Lizard, Frank Jefferies just to name a few.  If ya missed the shows, here's the photos shoots....... This Link is for those who like to go to Drag Shows and enjoy the Entertainment.
These are Transgendered Cartoons from Michelle Lynn GreyFeathers Web Site. Interesting and Funny, and probably a few some won't like,  But you have to have something for everybody, take a peek.
This link will take you on a Journey into the lives of Successful Transsexual Women who have Transitioned into Beautiful and Successful People. It has great Career stories and Photos of Successful Women and more. A great Link. Don't miss it
See who is saying what about who and what, check out the gossip within the group and the Transgendered Community. You might find some interesting subjects to comment on .... or start your own. This is a good way to help Transgendered people and give them support as well as members. This is a new feature also so it might not have any gossip or discussions in it yet, but, check back often or you might miss out on some good gossip.
This is a web site I put together to keep a picture Gallry of Red Carpet Evening gowns worn by Movie Actreeses. I started adding other things to it as I built it like Hair styles of actresses and every day wear. I have many more Pictures of Gowns etc. to add but haven't  had the time to add them yet. I also added a section I call "The Art of Female Illusion, Drag QueenTastic" which consist of many Drag Queen Web Sites mostly from the United States  but some from other countries also. I added this section to explore the different types of Evening Gowns worn, make up applications and wig styles. It also has videos of Performances of some of the Queens in some of their sites. I like learning from the best and looking at the Drag Queen Web Sites you can learn alot about Wigs Style and Makeup as well as costumes and types and styles of performances. Check it out ..................  
The FemmeFever "Makeup Made Easy" DVD!!!

After watching  you'll KNOW how to apply your own makeup from preparation to pretty!!

When you go to the web site to check out the makeup DVD you can watch sample out takes of the DVD, A must see and must have

Karen's (of FemmeFever) background in cosmetology, enhanced by her experience of  performing transformations EXCLUSIVELY for the male-to-female community for the past 8 years, (full time) makes for an insightful,  in-depth and enjoyable MUST HAVE  for any crossdresser or transsexual.

The transgendered community has been benefiting from Karen's Makeup Made Easy Workshops and transformations (throughout the eastern seaboard) for several years and now its your chance to learn all of her basic tips, tricks and techniques in the privacy of your own home.

Never before has a DVD been produced that actually SHOWS EACH makeup application with tips and helpful information ... From start to finish, including what tools and colors are right for you!. Just simply a must have for both Crossdressers ansd Transexxual Ladies ........

All orders show receipt FROM KL  Enterprises.

The FemmeFever "Makeup Made Easy" DVD!!!

After watching  you'll KNOW how to apply your own makeup from preparation to pretty!!

Karen's (of FemmeFever) background in cosmetology, enhanced by her experience of  performing transformations EXCLUSIVELY for the male-to-female community for the past 8 years, (full time) makes for an insightful,  in-depth and enjoyable MUST HAVE  for any crossdresser or transsexual.

The transgendered community has been benefiting from Karen's Makeup Made Easy Workshops and transformations (throughout the eastern seaboard) for several years and now its your chance to learn all of her basic tips, tricks and techniques in the privacy of your own home.

Never before has a DVD been produced that actually SHOWS EACH makeup application with tips and helpful information ... From start to finish, including what tools and colors are right for you!

All orders show receipt FROM KL  Enterprises.


In Depth Instructional Tips and Applications

ALL you need to get started 

Chapters for concentration on each application or tip

3 Male-to-Female Models showing various ages and with specific needs in makeup application

DVD for TV or Computer viewing - Also Avail in PAL Version

Go to www.FemmeFever.com for   Samples to VIEW of  My Video  & Testimonials - and to order...
Learn how to Crossdress and  Pass as a Genetic Woman in only 7 days from the most comprehensive guide on the World Wide Web

Plus learn how to find your own Feminine voice

Plus discover many of the Transgender online / off line resources

Click here: Worlds Best Crossdressing Guide
To go to the web site and learn more about the Worlds Best Crossdressing Guide and for purchase instructions

Another just simply must have for both Crossdressers and Transexxual ladies ......

More Fun and Informative Links Coming Soon

If anyone has any Links they would like to add to this section please let me know by sending an E-Mail to


Transology is a Transgender Non Profit Educational and Support Organization
We exist on the dues of our membership, grants, and donations.
This link has nothing to do with the Transgender Community, this is just an entertainment link to have fun with and watch videos. This link takes you to a site where people load thier videos onto for others to watch. Some of these videos are funny and hilarious, some are music videos, some are bad, very bad and some are good to very good. You have to take the good with the bad I'm afriad. Click the words Video Entertainment above to go t the Video Entertainment page or click on the movie camera to go to the video site.
This link has nothing to do with the Transgender Community, this is just an entertainment link to have fun with and watch videos. This link takes you to a site where people load thier videos onto for others to watch. Some of these videos are funny and hilarious, some are music videos, some are bad, very bad and some are good to very good. You have to take the good with the bad I'm afriad. Click the words Video Entertainment above to go t the Video Entertainment page or click on the movie camera to go to the video site.
With this video site you can enter the words Crossdressing, Transsexual, Shemale, Transgender, make up, fashion, etc. in the search box and view videos loaded to this video site by people from these communities ...... this is an excellent entertainment site

Web Site Directory
This link will take to a list of links where you will find a wide assortment of Transgender Reading, Educational, fictional and Non fiction
The Study of Transgenderism
Offering Transgender Education and Support Services
Chapters in York and Lancaster, Pa.
A Premier Transgender
Educational and Support Organization
Click above Picture to go to Femme Fever Web Site
Please Report Broken Links to Transology1@aol.com