Renaissance LSV
Harrisburg, Pa. Renaissance Chapter
Newsletter for February 2007
Edited by
Ellen Davidson
There will be a meeting of Renaissance LSV on Saturday, February 3, 2007 at the MCC Church on Jefferson St in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM. The program will be a presentation by the National Renaissance Transgender Association.
The mission of The Renaissance Transgender Association, Inc. is to provide the very best comprehensive education and caring support to Transgendered individuals and those close to them. This is accomplished through offering a variety of carefully selected programs and resources focused on the factors affecting their lives.
News from the Directors Chair:
Our new year’s first monthly meeting seemed destined to be a group business forum- which, while informative, thorough and complete, left a few members out there, wondering where the transgender support was…
Thus (having quite a few individuals speak up and voice their feelings on this subject for many months), we will endeavor to focus more on what our members look for when they attend a monthly meeting: togetherness, and intimate talk groups to share experiences and to seek information with.
The upcoming February 3, 2007 meeting at the Metropolitan Community Church will lead off with a presentation by our “parent” group’s (Renaissance National) spokespeople presenting their program of mission and our chapter’s place therein. Following that, we’ll have a refreshment break; the remainder of the meeting will be given over to discussion groups. Bring your passions, needs and questions; you will find others will gather round to help, be helped and share information and opinions on your subject.
Warmly, Jeanine
Ellen’s Corner
It’s Party Time! The Super Bowl is this coming Sunday….does anybody care? Ground Hog Day is February 2 and I am sure that spring is just around the corner. Heck we haven’t even had winter yet. I can’t remember when we haven’t had a significant snowfall by this time. Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday, February 14 and the Mardis Gras is on February 20. Lot’s of reasons to get out of the house and have a good time.
Speaking of parties plans are being made for our annual Spring Fling at Bubes Brewery in Mt Joy. This year our St Patrick’s Day Party will actually fall on Saturday March 17, which is St Patrick’s Day. The leprechauns have been busy and promise a sumptuous feast, a buffet that will include some traditional Irish fare. Billie’s Karaoke will provide entertainment and for music and dancing and we plan to have another silent auction. All of this for only $30 to benefit Renaissance LSV. Tickets will be available at the meeting.
On a sad note, I received e-mail from a TG friend from York and found out that she has terminal lung cancer. She was in transition and wants to sell her wardrobe and everything else from her true self to another girl who can benefit from it. She said, “I have over three thousand dollars worth of things including a 6 drawer dresser, portable closet, wigs, shoes, makeup, jewelry and lots of clothes ranging sizes 14,16 to 1X depending on the cut. Most of the clothing is new, hardly worn. Many were purchases from Newport News!” Can anyone help our sister in need? She is asking $500 for the whole lot. This is a great value for any girl that needs to expand or just beginning…she will have everything she needs. If you are interested you can contact Monique by e-mail.
TG on the TV In case you haven’t noticed there is now a transgender character on the ABC soap, All My Children. Zarf was introduced as a rock celebrity form England. He came out to Bianca for a New Years Eve Party dressed enfemme to the nines. She rebuked Zoe (his femme name) but finally has agreed to accept her. Zoe and Babe have now become good friends and Zoe was accused of being the Satin murderer. There have been three deaths of the girls from Fusion, so far. Zoe’s cache of estrogen was found by a police search of her apartment and now the whole town knows about Zarf/Zoe. You will have to tune in to find out more. Check your local listings. I have been taping it at 1 PM on weekdays.
Also King of the Hill last night explored the world of Drag Queens. Peggy felt that she was not feminine enough and went shopping for shoes at the “closet”. There she met Caroline, who turned out to be a gay man dressed as a woman. His/her mother supports this life style and Peggy is encouraged to perform in a show. When Peggy found out that all of the girls in the dressing room were really guys she was at first horrified but then accepted them. Actually her husband, Hank was very supportive of her new friend even after he found out that she was a drag queen. The show ended with Peggy in the dressing room with a bag of clothes, which of course the queens drooled over. Lots of stereotypes here, but it was interesting.
See you at the meeting,
Ellen Davidson
Ellen Davidson
Events Calendar
for February, 2007
Fri Feb 2 - Groundhog Day
Sat Feb 3 - Renaissance LSV meeting - 8:30 PM - MCC Church - Harrisburg
Wed Feb 14 - Valentines Day
Tues Feb 20 - Mardis Gras - Stallions, Brownstone, Neptune, Strawberries
Fri Feb 23 - Karaoke by Chad - 10 PM - Altland’s Ranch - Spring Grove ... Web Site not working at present