Renaissance LSV July Newsletter 2006
Edited by
                                                                       Ellen Davidson                                                                                 
New Renaissance LSV Website

There will be a meeting of Renaissance LSV on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at the MCC Church on Jefferson St in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM.  We are going to be having a cook in.  Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided.  If you like you can bring something to share.  I certainly hope everybody doesn’t bring potato salad.  If you would like to know what to bring, please contact Rachel at

News from the Directors Chair:

Hello All from the Chair:

    July is coming very quickly and we have some things we need to do.  First of all we need to work with Pride at the end of the month.  I would like to see more than 4 people in the parade. For us to put out $100.00 I would like to see a better showing from our Organization to march and help out other people with gender issues.  I will be there.  As for the booth, we will have one like we had in the past.  Kristen will be selling the pictures like last year.

   Switching gears I am hoping that many of you watched "Girl like me" I watched and cried most of the way through it.  I could identify with the main character.  There should have been more to the movie but it was still good and to the point.  It needed to touch more on hate crimes as well.

    We also need some help and to find ways to attract new members to the Organization; we are now down to 23 paid members.  I need some thought as to how we can pick up our membership.

    July is a picnic month; Rachel and I will be putting on an inside party for those who attend.  Anyone who wishes to bring something please do all is welcome.  It will be an inside picnic.

    One last thing; have a safe and a wonderful holiday.

God Bless, Your Managing Director

Angela K. Garner


Auntie Ren. Needs YOU!

First off, please allow me to apologize for not making the last few meetings.  Work and trips with my girlfriend has taken my time. 

For those who do not know me, (as I am rather shy at meetings!! ) I am m2f TS planning my 'nip and tuck' this year. I have been 'full time' (does anyone have a better term than that?) for 3 years.  Many other TS sisters have been through and have out grown Renaissance, as they do not need the same support we need in the beginning and through each step.  What is a shame is the fact that these people are not available to the 'next generation' of sisters. Yes, it is a bit tedious listening to either unrelated discussions or hearing 'the same ol' problems' but where would they be if other's had not reached back to help them?  Remember your mentors? Those break through events while holding their hands?

Maybe we can make it better for these people if we offer a group in the chapel. And, try our best to get the guys in too! Any suggestions, especially for those who have moved on would be greatly appreciated, as we need YOU!

Pam Hirschhorn

October 15-22, 2006 32nd annual Fantasia Fair, Provincetown, MA.

Come for a week or just a part of it. Daily seminars and workshops, Reception and cocktail parties, seven daily luncheons, the Pioneer Awards Gala, the Famous Fashion Show, Fabulous Follies talent show, and the Grand Awards Banquet Open to all genders and partners.  Costs range from $250 to $650 (full week after Oct 1st.)

Info:  web site: e-mail:
address: Registrar, Fantasia Fair, PO Box 126, Pinole CA  94564


Ellen’s Corner

The Big event this month is the Central PA Gay Pride Fest on July 29th and the First Annual Pride Parade.  We have made a commitment to participate in the Pride fest with a booth.  We need to promote Renaissance LSV and attract new members.  We need people to participate in the parade and to help answer questions at our booth regarding transgender and encourage others to join us in our mission.  The Pride fest will be held in Riverfront Park at the lower end of Front St.  Last year nearly 5000 people attended.  The food will be great and there will be many vendors and good entertainment.  At this time I am considering getting a room at one of the nearby motels and will share expenses with those who would like to use it for changing or overnight accommodations.  Please let me know if you are interested. This is the Pride website:

At this time I am considering getting a room at one of the nearby motels and will share expenses with those who would like to use it for changing or overnight accommodations.  Please let me know if you are interested.

All of the area clubs will be having Pride parties and the Pink Lizard is celebrating its 5th Anniversary.

The National Council for Transgender Equality has suggested 52 things you can do for Transgender Equality.  I will state some of them here and add more in future issues of this newsletter.

# 15 Adopt a highway

# 16 Hold a Trans Pride event in your community.

# 17 March as a Trans contingent in the Gay Pride Parade.

# 18 Educate a local homeless center about how to be trans inclusive.

# 19 Pass a non-discrimination ordinance in your community.

# 20 Visit the offices of your congressional representatives and educate them on  trans issues.

# 21 Start a local support or education group.

# 22 Volunteer with a local LGBTQ advocacy group

# 23 Create a speakers Bureau

# 24 Break a Gender Rule

# 25 Make a restroom more accessible for trans people.

# 26 Create and make available a list of all of the resources in your community, including
       support groups and medical referrals.

Here is the website for the suggestions to date with explanations for each item:

See you at the meeting,
Ellen Davidson
Ellen Davidson
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