Renaissance LSV February Newsletter 2006
Edited by
                                                                         Ellen Davidson                                                                      
New Renaissance LSV Website

There will be a meeting of Renaissance LSV on Saturday, February 4, 2006 at the MCC Church on Jefferson St in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM.  The program for the evening will be on makeup techniques and a makeover.  Please bring something to share for refreshments.

News from the Directors Chair:

    This has been the hardest month I have had to experience since my change last Sept.  My employer has given me a problem regarding my request to make my work schedule flexible to permit me to attend our meetings.  I wish to explain about this part.

    We have a contract that states we can work 19 days straight and have a day off than do another 19 at the discretion of management.  It doesn't happen that much except during the holidays.  Now as for the problem, since our Renaissance LSV meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month, I had put in a request that I could have the first Saturday off and it went up the chain of command and it ended with a group of five, without me being there, to turn it down.  This up set me very much. It would also mean that I would have to step down.

    Conclusion, My job is more important than life itself when the company wants to make it hard for the employee.  The contract we have, the company use's it when it is best to fit them.  We are presently going through contract talks and with hopes and prayers we can change the tide.

    Now for a different subject:  The very same job that gave me work and the Personnel Director that gave me the job back stabbed me in the back.  How? When you tell more info than is needed.  She took everything I told her and used it against the members and me and that was the lowest I have ever seen one person go for a company.  What a learning process we go through.  I will never be able to trust anyone like I did with her.  I even liked her!!!!!!   So, I have not felt well and am dealing with a lot of emotions. 

    So, I leave you with this, if you hear from someone else that I am stepping down, it has entered my mind only because I could not take care of the business at hand with Renaissance. I am fighting some depression and if it were not for the boyfriend I have, I am not sure of what I would feel about right now.

    There is also one other thing that I must say is: Thanks for sticking by me through this tough time.  I know I am sounding very negative right now but I feel you must know what is happening around me.  I am very Proud of Renaissance it has come a long way, we need to keep going forward. We have a lot of ground to cover these coming months.

God Bless,
Angela K. Garner
Managing Director, Renaissance LSV


Ellen’s Corner

Hi Boys and Girls,

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day.  Where did this winter go?  Will the groundhog see his shadow?  Who Cares! We have only had one snowfall this season over 6 inches.

If you have cabin fever and are looking for a party or a reason to go out, February has several possibilities.  The Super Bowl is just around the corner. Valentines Day is coming up and Tuesday, February 28 is Mardi Gras Day.  Michelle Lynn Greyfeather is planning a trip to Femme Fever in New York on February 25 (anyone interested, please contact Michelle) and our Spring Party at Bubes Brewery is coming up on March 18.  March 20 will be the first day of spring.

The National Council for Transgender Equality has suggested 52 things you can do for Transgender Equality.  I will state some of them here and add more in future issues of this newsletter.

1. Join NCTE
2. Ask your Library to carry positive transgender books.
3. Attend an anti-racism training
4. Run for political office
5. Invite your Mayor or other elected official to address your Trans group.

The main purpose for our Renaissance organization is to provide support and educational resources for transgendered individuals and to enlighten the public as to who and why we are.  All of us, CDs and TS or whatever need to stop the dissention and work together.  We need to support our Managing Director, Angela and support Rachel’s efforts for the Bubes Brewery social and other programming.   I will do everything I can to help support this worthwhile organization and its leadership to attain its goals and help Renaissance LSV to have a successful year.
Ellen Davidson


  Cathy’s Chatter
  by Cathy Dewalt  

                                                                 February 2006

    Hi everyone, geez, where did January get to? I mean, not even a decent bit of snow. I mean, isn’t it a given that we always get a foot of snow during Farm Show week? Rest assured that this is probably the calm before the storm. When we least expect it, trust me, we are going to get nailed. We will see what one of these animals say that seem to come forth every February second.

    Enough about the weather. I’ve been doing quite a bit of thinking lately. Mainly trying to drum up something for this column. I always seem to have a jumble of thoughts in my head, but nothing I feel like writing on at the present time.  Anyway, do you ever think about the time you first realized who you really are? You all know what I mean. It was more than likely, a long time ago. With that in mind, think of the very first time you actually told someone about yourself. Be it a therapist, your parents or a sibling. Maybe you told a friend first; maybe your wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend. Scared the crap out of you didn’t it?  My therapist got it out of me when I was sent for anger management therapy. She was quite good and it only took four sessions to get it out. Bingo, source of anger. For her, I guess that was the easy step. The rest is history. For me, telling her did not go too badly as I knew in my heart that this was the problem all along. We discussed my options and then went from there. So I cannot say I was actually shaking in my shoes when she got it out of me. The shaking in the shoes part came when I decided to go to sessions as my female self. (Something she encouraged.) Remember your first time in public? The thing was, it was at night and as a rule, I was usually the last patient of the day and except for the receptionist, no one saw me anyway.

    It was after a number of sessions in which Renaissance came up, that she suggested I contact someone. Sent an e-mail to National and did not get a reply. Some help they were. Then I found our own Eta. Talk about scared. She came up with this brilliant idea that I actually meet her on a Sunday morning. Then she pulled another good one by taking me to the most crowded restaurant in the Chambersburg area, in broad daylight no less. I still can’t believe I did that. It was interesting to say the least. How about it, remember the first time you went public in the daytime and to a place with a number of people? Maybe you haven’t reached that point yet. It will come. After awhile, it is no big deal as we all come to find out. I used Eta for support. Every time I was going out on my own, I would call her. I would talk for a bit and then finish by saying, “I can do this!”, to which she always agreed. She was and still is a great support, and for that I will always be in her debt.

    I say all this, because no matter what anyone tells you about us not being a support group, they are wrong. I have said this before, besides our educational purpose, we are here to support one another. Sometimes we need to be reminded of this. If you feel you need to talk to someone, then seek out another member. Take them to the side and ask if you might have a few minutes with them. If a member approaches you with a problem, listen to what they have to say. Give advice if asked. Most of all, if you see a couple members in what appears to be a serious discussion, have the courtesy to not interrupt or butt in and change the subject. I say this, because it has happened to me on several occasions. Remember, the next time it may be you that is seeking a compassionate ear. Just my thoughts.


Rachel’s HQ

February’s meeting will consist of Amanda Richard from True Colors Makeup Artistry.

She will go over makeup tips and do a presentation.

She will also have products available for sale

March’s Meeting will be a Movie night! Hopefully it will be trans-gender related and we will bring popcorn and soda to the meeting. If you like, bring your fav jammies to change into. Let’s have some fun. (Please make sure your jammies aren’t too revealing or inappropriate)

Bubes Brewery party is scheduled for March 18th 2006. More details will be announced as soon as possible! But we are looking at a buffet type dinner and live entertainment (shooting for a comedian) we will also have some trivia games, 50/50, and auction off various prizes! All proceeds go to our Great Organization.

A great beginning for 2006! The 1st weekend in January, I had the liberty of coming out to the rest of my family. One of the biggest issues was how to break it to my sons the ages of 8 and 7. Prior to me telling them, I had made them aware of the subject on many occasions and to help open their mind to people being different. When I sat them down and explained it to them, they were a little scared at first but than just asked me different questions. They are adjusting well and they wish to continue to be in my life! I couldn’t be happier! The biggest question was “will you still be our daddy.” I told them I would always be their daddy. Then they wanted to know what to call me. We tried to come up with different names, but we finally agreed to “Dee” so when we are out in public they call me “Dee”. Of course, “Dee” being short for Daddy.

Than I came out to my cousin, who I am very close to. I couldn’t ask for a better reaction!
He is now 100% supportive and started calling me Rachel that day. My aunt and uncle said they are proud of me for standing up and saying who I really am! I have 2 friends from football who are ok with it also! I am counting my blessings right now! So now I can move on being me and knowing I have a wonderful family behind me!
I want to try to bring fun and education back to our meetings!

Hugs, Rachel


Renaissance LSV Chapter Bubes Brewery Annual Party

March 18th 2006 (6pm - 11:30pm)
The Dinner Menu and Event Activities are below, a delicious meal
and an evening you won't want to miss. 

6PM - 7PM cocktail / h'orderves
7PM - 8PM dinner
8PM - 8:30PM sell 50/50's, bid on silent auctions /social / music
8:30PM - 9:15PM Karen Gray (Comedian)
9:15PM - 10:30 winners of 50/50 and auctions,
Trivia game /social / music

* Everyone is responsible to buy his or her own beverages (soda, alcohol, etc.)*
Buffet includes:
soup,salad & bread

Lasagna - made w/ pasta, cream sauce, marinara sauce, several
Cheeses & pepperoni

Boneless breast of chicken - with cheddar cheese stuffing and
wrapped in bacon

Shrimp & dill tart - baby shrimp, shallots, dill, Swiss cheese,
baked in a custard filled pastry crust

                                                                  Only 40 tickets available

Ticket 1 : (6pm starts cocktail hour)
Dinner = $17 / person                     
Dinner Begins 7pm
Tax 6% = $1.02   Gratuity = $3.06
Entertainment = $6.92 (Comedian, Karen Gray) Show starts 8:30
Total = $28.00 / person
or if you can’t make it for dinner!!
Ticket 2 : (can not enter before 8:05pm)
Entertainment = $13.00 (Comedian, Karen Gray) Show starts 8:30pm
Total = $13.00 / person
Tickets will be available for sale at the February Meeting.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at

Rachel Fischer,
Program Director Ren LSV


This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed.
It was listed in the Atlanta Journal.

                             SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Daisy, I'll be waiting………..

Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta
Humane Society about an 8-week-old black Labrador retriever.


A letter to the editor:

Hello, I'm Bill.

  Remember me?  I'm the old, tall, balding guy who's not much into the wigs and make-up.   I'm the one who keeps getting asked, "What is your 'fem' name?"  It seemed like I had to come up with something to "fit" in so after many months, I pulled "Billie" out of my hat.  I felt I'd be less likely to forget that one. One of my problems I am finding is having a short-term memory loss!

You see, I'm just a guy who enjoys wearing dresses and crinolines from the 50s once in a while.  I don't need counseling.  I don't need to change my voice.  I don't need make-up and walking training.  I don't need most of what you offer.  I just enjoy being with you.
And my joy in having a place to do that in safety is the reason for this letter.  I want your group to survive.  Like some of you, I needed a few meetings to just come into the building!   It took a few more to put on that frilly dress.

I digress;  Sorta reminds me of the lady who needed 3 martinis to do it "doggie style"... the 1st one to get her clothes off... the 2nd one to get her bent over... and the 3rd one to get her out in the yard!

You people have been wonderful in making me feel welcome with a feeling of acceptance and safety.  But your organization has a problem.  I hope I can explain.
Keep in mind this search for words is coming from a novice who feels like he is looking from the outside in.  I see myself as a minority of one. 

I see you as having three diverse groups.

The first group is me!  I am the guy who likes to wear a poodle skirt.  I have no desire to act or look like a woman in public.  I'm much more comfortable being an ugly man than being an ugly woman.

The second group are those of you who are not only cross-dressers but also cross-lookers!  "Passable" is a big word in this group.  And you do such a good job at it too.  And this is in spite of most of you having the poor "foundation" to build on!  (If you know what I mean!)

The third group is at least double the size of the first two groups combined.  This group consists of those of you who want to live, either now or in the future, as full time women.  Your plans may or may not involve the "operation".

So we have three "diverse" groups having similar goals.  Now what is that law that talks about pleasing all the people all the time?

For over 40 years, I've been bombarded with the notion that this country is great because of our "diversity".  I still maintain this country is great in spite of our "diversity".  There are countless examples, such as... you can't have a winning, "diverse" football team.
I think the diversity of your group is pulling you down.  I've heard heated discussions between these groups at the meetings.  But I've never really been able to figure what is the problem.  I think it has something to do about differences of opinion on how to raise money for the group.

Is part of the problem the invitation of "outsiders" to the fundraisers?  If so, I sure can relate to that.  It really hits home with people like me who still have both feet firmly in the closet!
But what is a fundraiser?  It is a function to bring "outside" money in.  It is not a function to distribute "inside" money among the members.  That function is called dues!
So, to keep it simple, from this retired "systems" engineer, I ask this question:  How do you expect to bring in "outside" money without involving "outsiders"?

I think there are bad feelings concerning "drag" shows and their potential for "outing" an unwitting member.  This could certainly happen.  As such, some have chosen not to attend in the past.  Should you then cancel these shows because some of the members feel they are being "discriminated" against?

Personally, I'm at a loss in figuring out another way to bring in "outside" money other than "drag" shows.  This is the group's primary talent of which "outsiders" are willing to pay money.  And those of you who choose to attend but to not participate not only have fun, but you are also an "additional attraction" to the "outsiders" who enjoy watching the "lifestyle" - many of which wish they had the guts to do it too!  You are just not going to bring in paying "outsiders" to just listen to your speeches about the lifestyle. 

Respectfully, Billie

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