Renaissance LSV December Newsletter 2005

Edited by Ellen Davidson

New Renaissance LSV website



I hope that all of you are full of Turkey I know I am.  A lot has happened since the last meeting.

Here are your new Officers for this next year:

                                                    Angela K. Garner  ..........  Managing Director                         
                                                   Sara Perkins ..................  Alt Board Member
                                                   Jeanine Ruhsan .............   Secretary                                          
                                                   Treasurer  ......................  Will be shared by MD and Sec         
                                                   Rachel Fisher    .............   Program/Meeting Coordinator
                                                   Kristen Richards   ..........   Outreach
                                                   Michelle GreyFeather ......  Web Mistress
                                                  Cathy Dewalt   .................  Alt Board Member
                                                  Ellen Davidson  ................. Alt Board Member - Newsletter Editor

Now as for the meeting on the 3rd of Dec it will be canceled because of the party.  We will meet up for our regular meeting in January 2006.  Be ready to work on this one meeting for you will be asked to vote on our new BI - Laws.  Our regular meetings will start in Feb 2006 and our Program Coordinator will have something for us to learn.

Pointing to the web Michelle has gone out of her way to update what Rachel did on the web site, I wish to thank both of them for what they brought to us to see. If you have not seen it, it has a lot of information to see.  I am happy to see what has been done!!!!

Now, there is more to offer to the membership!!!  If most of you want to get on the web you now can and talk to each other even though you don't have the same server; this is open for all, and the board members have there own special place if they choose to talk to other board members about the organization.  Just check it out!!!!

We are now offering something else to our yahoo site has expanded to two others group.  One we will keep our members Yahoo site for those members.  We also offer a board member's group site and then we will have a site just for past members if they choose to stay in touch.

These are the sites to work with:

                                              Our web Site is    .............
                                              Members Site:    ..............
                                              Board member Site: .........
                                              Everyone's Site   :............

You now can talk in more ways than just one way. I encourage you to use what you need to get where you are going.

Now last but not least is the Dec Party in Dec.  I hoped for many people to come to the party but it looks like it will fall short of the numbers it will take to get to 20 people.  I thank Ellen for the extra time she has been looking for extra people to go and many have other plans elsewhere.  It will be fun!!!!

We will see you on the third of Dec.

Your Managing Director,
       Angela K Garner

Ellen’s  Corner

Hi Everybody, Seasons Greetings, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa or whatever happens to be politically correct.

We will not have a regular meeting in December.  Our Christmas Party is scheduled on the same night, December 3 at Canna Country Inn in Etters PA.  There is still room available for more partygoers at a cost of 32$ payable to Renaissance LSV, but you need to make your reservation a.s.a.p.  At present we have 17 reservations.  Check in is any time after 12 Noon. We will have a buffet dinner and gift exchange.  Everyone should bring a covered dish and a gift not to exceed $10.00.  The Inn will provide breakfast, for those who stay overnight. There should be plenty of rooms available but bring a bedroll just in case. Details and directions to the Cannas Country Inn can be found on their website.

If you are interested in losing some weight and keeping it off, particularly with all of the Holiday parties, I found some interesting tips online.  Jorge Cruise, Diet and Fitness coach for Better Life Media offers the following 7 steps to weight loss and control:

Seven Steps to Slimming Down


Know When to Eat
Staying trim is all about timing: It’s crucial to eat something every three hours. If you don’t eat regularly, your metabolism plummets and guess what, you gain weight.

A few tips:

                                                         1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.
                                                         2. Eat every three hours.
3. Stop eating three hours before bedtime.

Eating every three hours is a natural way to suppress your appetite. Knowing when to start eating, how to eat throughout the day and when to stop is critical.


Move in the Morning
Some of you might prefer to put the pillow over your head rather than roll out of bed and exercise. But Exercising eight minutes in the morning does three important things.

                            1. Dramatically boost your metabolism. You burn more fat when you work out in the morning.
                            2. Give you an endorphin high that will make you feel great all day.
                            3. Ensure you consistently lose two pounds a week.

Also make time for sleep as well. Get those eight hours, wake up feeling rejuvenated and get ready to move!


Visualize Your Success
Creating a mental picture of the new you is a great way to stay focused on your goals.

Ask yourself these questions:

                     1. How will you see your body shrink with the smarter choices you make?
                                            2. How will you feel when you attain your ultimate body?
                                            3. What will people say to you when you’re lighter?

Close your eyes and imagine a future dream vacation after you’ve reached your goal weight. Are you watching starfish swim in the Caribbean? Perhaps you’re strolling the vibrant streets of Paris.


                                                                             Buddy Up

Sharing your weight-loss goals with a friend, co-worker or family member is a great way to ensure support. The person you choose should be someone you feel comfortable talking with openly. Perhaps you exchange a daily e-mail or a brief phone call. You should discuss the number of pounds you’ve lost and two things you did that week that you’re most proud of. Your buddy can also help you put on the brakes when you feel yourself heading toward the refrigerator.

Building your inner support team will ensure you’ve got a great foundation of friends to help you on your journey.


Keep a Journal

When you hear those cookies calling you into the kitchen, one of the best things you can do is stop and write in your journal. Writing down the events of the day, how they made you feel and your successes can inspire you to “just say no” to the fridge. As you write, you should make sure to explore your fears, anger, sadness and challenges as well. Getting it all out there will help to quiet those voices calling you to overeat and keep you focused on your big picture goals.

Set a time to write every day. When you put pen to paper you’ve learned the secret to becoming your own greatest ally.


Learn the Secrets to Eating Out

Don’t let dining out be your downfall. Most restaurants serve too-big portions. Here are a few tricks to keep you on track:

                         1. Ask for a take-home container to be brought with your meal. When your meal arrives visualize a              better portion size and put anything that doesn’t fit into that portion in your container.
     2. Chew each bite of food between 20-30 times. It helps digestion and prevents overeating.
                      3. Watch the lattes: If you’re in the mood for a java fix, remember that most coffee drinks are higher in calories than a cheeseburger.


Stay Hydrated

Water is your secret weapon. Drinking water greatly increases your oxygen levels. And in order for your lean muscle tissue to burn fat, it needs oxygen to convert the fat into energy. You won’t have to eat as much to be satisfied if you drink enough water. But eight glasses of water a day is not enough. It’s better to use a 16-ounce glass and fill it every hour. Whenever you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. So don’t wait for it to happen, make sure you’re keeping that water glass filled and your body in a well-hydrated state.

I recently found two places in York that will accept T-girls.  The Other Place bar is on Highland Avenue in West York and has Karaoke on Sunday nights.  Across the street is the West York Inn and I understand we are welcome there anytime.


Cathy’s Chatter   
                                                                      December, 2005
  By Cathy Dewalt

  Peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Those are powerful words when you think about it. They appear all over the place at this time of year. On Christmas cards, calendars, banners in churches, even billboards, usually accompanied by a picture of the three wise men enroute to Bethlehem. Have you ever noticed that during wartime, there always seems to be truce talks, debate on withdrawals and such. This has happened during nearly every war since the birth of Jesus. For just one day, there seems to be peace and goodwill toward man. For just one day in three hundred sixty-five, warring factions will cease to do so. Fighting among the religions stops dead. For one day, the muggings on inner city streets halt. For just one day, politicians refrain from raping their constituents. For this one day, the homicide rate drops to zilch. For just one day, hate and its’ related crimes, takes a holiday. Everything but peace and goodwill towards man comes to a stop. I am not too ignorant to realize that this is not 100% true, but I would venture a good part is so. The point here is that this is all because a mere two thousand years ago, a drop in the bucket in the order of time, less than a day really, a child was born. One innocent child that did not have a clue to his awaiting fate 33 years in the future.  It is totally amazing that the celebration of the birth of this child can have this effect. What really behooves me is this: It all goes back to the way it was two days before the next day. One has to ask him or herself, why? Why does it have to be this way? If we can accomplish this peace for one day out of 365, couldn’t we try for two days, then three, until there are no more days left with all the nasty things I have mentioned above?
Just my thoughts, Merry Christmas to all, may this season bring you joy, no matter your beliefs.


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