Renaissance LSV April Newsletter 2006
Edited by
                                                                       Ellen Davidson                                                                                 
New Renaissance LSV Website

There will be a meeting of Renaissance LSV on Saturday, April 1, 2006 at the MCC Church on Jefferson St in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM.  The program for the evening will be dealing with hair removal.

News from the Directors Chair:

Bubie's was a well-done program by Rachel and Ann.  We had good attendance with 35 people paid and 31 showed with one coming to the show.  Kudos goes to both Rachel and Ann for a great job. The silent auction was what made the night with making over $400.00. This saved us from taking a loss for the night.  That was the plus side of the night.  I thank what members that did attend and Rachel’s family that balanced out the night.

Now that the parties are behind us we will get down to some business we need to get through.  I will need about 15 minutes of time and we will go through the meat part of the BI-Laws.  They are posted in the web site and I will make a few copies so we have them in hand.  I will be working around Rachel's schedule for this to happen. This will happen till were done. Hopefully we will complete revision before the next election.

On the 4th of April Your Managing Director was given a chance to teach a class at Elizabethtown College.  Topic is on Sexuality.  Subject: Transgendered Spectrum.  This will be my highlight of the year.  This will be something I have never done.

We need to keep in mind Pride.  IM not sure how many people volunteered for the pride parade but I am hoping many show.  I will be there; I need followers.

Best wishes go to Kristen for her Surgery coming soon.  We will miss her as she makes final preps for that last move in her life.  God Speed to you.

One last note, we just got our first web site application for membership.

Have a nice Easter,
Angela K. Garner
Managing Director, LSV    


Ellen’s Corner

Congratulations to Rachel and Ann for organizing the successful party at Bubes Brewery.  The silent auction was really a great idea.  I understand it brought in a profit of nearly $400.  I am sure everyone had a good time and we put some of the proceeds into the treasury.

The National Council for Transgender Equality has suggested 52 things you can do for Transgender Equality.  I will state some of them here and add more in future issues of this newsletter.

#6 Plan an Art Show of works by Trans artists.
#7 Create a Calendar of local events and encourage people to attend them.
#8 Start an online community or a blog on an issue that is important to you.
#9 Change the policy of an organization you belong to.
#10 Donate money to an organization providing direct services to Transgender people.
#11 Hold a workshop on how to effectively advocate for yourself when seeking medical
     care or therapy.
#12 Ask your local film festival or theater to show trans-themed movies and then go see

Here is the website for the suggestions to date with explanations for each item:

I recently found two more places in Lancaster County, which are reputed to be TG Friendly.  Last Saturday I went to the Belvedere Inn on N Queen Street in Lancaster and had a great time.  The music was good and the people were friendly.
The other place that is trying to attract the LGBT community is the Rail Road House in Marietta, good food and a downstairs tavern.  I will have to check it out one of these evenings.

This is a true story:

On Monday March 20, an armed man robbed a gas station in Monterey, California.  Unfortunately his pantyhose led to his arrest.  He was unshaven and wore a black evening gown, fishnet pantyhose, calf-high boots, and a black wig.  He displayed a plastic replica handgun and stuffed $290 cash into a matching black purse.  About 35 minutes after the robbery, police noticed a black Saab with a pair of fishnet pantyhose hanging out of the driver’s door.  Police promptly arrested the man and charged him with the robbery.  It serves him right after making the fashion faux pause.  I’m sure all of us know that fishnets don’t go with a black evening gown, particularly in the daytime.  LOL

I usually don’t write letters to advice columns but this letter in Annie’s Mailbox got me interested and prompted my reply:

Dear Annie:

Thank you so much for printing the letter from the 20-year-old man who had been crossdressing since the age of 12. You were very kind and not judgmental, and recommended an organization called Tri-Ess, The Society for the Second Self.
I discovered my son, age 15, is a crossdresser. I went looking for dirty laundry and found items hidden behind his bed. At first I was terrified -- for him, not myself. He already is socially awkward, struggles in school and is receiving counseling. I thought the crossdressing was more than he could bear.
I looked online and asked his therapist for information, but it was difficult to find support for the entire family. Tri-Ess has been wonderful in giving us (my husband, too, is very supportive) good information about crossdressing and how to help our son become the best man he can be. I even recommended it to my son's therapist. Thank you so much for helping crossdressers, parents and families understand this condition. I feel so much better prepared to help my son cope with this development in his adolescence. -- Loving Mom
Dear Loving Mom: Most parents would freak out if their children surprised them this way, which, of course, isn't at all helpful. You and your husband are to be commended for your sensitivity and understanding. Again, readers, the address for Tri-Ess is: The Society for the Second Self Inc. (, P.O. Box 980638, Houston, Texas 77098-0638.
Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190, Chicago, IL 60611. To find out more about Annie's Mailbox, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

My reply:
Dear Annie:

I have been a cross-dresser for most of my life for almost 50 years.  I was glad to see the advice you gave to "Loving Mom".  As you probably know there are many of us maybe more than we can imagine.  I think that we are around 10% of the male population and the trend seems to be that more CDs and transsexuals are coming out at younger ages.  I started at about age 10 and after several purges have reached a level of understanding with my wife and myself. I pass reasonably well in public and I have many CD friends.  Tri-Ess is a valuable resource.  But there are also many others.  I am enclosing a link for our support group website.   RenaissanceLSV

Renaissance Transgender Educational Assoc. is a National Organization as a support and information group for the transgendered.  Ann Landers was always very positive towards t-girls and I am glad to see you are continuing the same.  Keep up the good work, Thanks

See you at the meeting,
Ellen Davidson
Ellen Davidson


  Cathy’s Chatter
  by Cathy Dewalt  

                                                                 April 2006

   One month closer to warm weather. I have been observing geese migrating north on the North American Flyway. I never cease to find this an amazing sight. When I am out and see them, I actually drop what I am doing, just to watch.

Last month’s meeting went pretty well. Rachel brought the movie, “Normal”, for the membership to watch at the end of the meeting. I am not a professional movie reviewer or anything, but if you have never seen this movie, it is almost a must if you are TS, especially if you have family. I mean this particular film really puts it on the line of what many families go through when one of their own decides to come out of the closet. It does not lecture the viewer, or strictly address a TS’ own dilemma. The film deals with the family and friends angle of coming out. I must say, the soundtrack leaves a lot to be desired and I don’t know what the director was thinking when she felt that this was music appropriate for this film. Other than that, it is a great movie and worth a look if you are a TS and have not seen it.

The April meeting looks promising. Rachel has invited someone from the business of hair removal. She will address any questions a MTF might have on this subject. She will explain the differences, pros, and cons, of laser versus electrolysis. It should be a very informative meeting.

I must inform all of you that are reading this newsletter, but not attending the meetings, you ought to think about starting to attend. We are having some pretty good attendance lately and I think Rachel is doing an outstanding job at lining up speakers and entertainment. It should be noted that she is always open for suggestions concerning who you might want to have talk to us. I have to wonder if she makes a good spaghetti sauce. Angela seems to be keeping hers a secret. I still wonder if it’s Prego.

The organizers are busy putting together Pride ’06. For the first time, a parade is being organized. We have been asked to participate in whatever way we can, so there’s something to chew on. See Angela for details.

There has been a bit of talk lately concerning a part of this membership that really needs some attention. I am talking about the fact that we cater to the MTF TS. Have we forgotten that the TG coin has two sides to it? This is an issue this organization needs to address. Our meetings should be doing this. If we fill this need, perhaps we could get more FTM’s our join our organization. This is called expansion, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. That would mean more dues paying members.

One more thing, anyone wishing to start begin a group therapy sessions from time to time, talk to me at any meeting or e-mail me through the website and I will set it up.
Just my thoughts,



A Message from Your
Web Mistress

Hello Sister and Brother Members of Ren LSV
      If you have not joined the new e-mail list please do so when you read this NewsLetter so you do not forget to join later. This mailing list will become the main communications for REN LSV so we can communicate with the TG Community and visa versa as well as other Communities. The first mailing list will become the members only mailing list for members only information and Ren LSV Members Business. No business related or member related e-mails will be send using this new e-mail list. Yes, it is a pain in the butt, but, a needed way of communications to be in touch with the TG community as well as other Communities and visa versa. We need to establish a communications link between Ren and these Communities and this is a safe way to do that. Our director has already joined months ago and a few others. Please take time to join this new mailing list so we can start to activate communications between these Communities and them with our organization. This will also be a way to attract new members to our group for support and educational purposes.

Anyone from the TG Community or TG Friendly open minded individuals can join this new list. This will help our communications with the General public who wish to learn about and or support our community as well as those who are seeking a way to gain support and help with their own issues and their second self. As long as we continue to remain a closed communications group we do not do any good in any community or further our exsistence as a support group in our community or any other..

Below is the link to the new e-mail list, Please join

   If anyone has any questions please contact Our Director Angela ( ) or myself....

Hugs to all,
Michelle Lynn GreyFeather, Web Mistress


Calendar of Events for March 2006

Renaissance LSV Calendar for April 2006

Sat Apr 1 - Renaissance LSV meeting - 8:30 PM at MCC Church - Harrisburg, PA

Sun Apr 2 - Daylight Savings Time begins - Spring forward

     Apr 5-9- Transgender 2006 - Philadelphia

Thurs Apr 6 - Goth Music Night - 10 PM - Revelations - Harrisburg

Sun Apr 9 - Easter Bonnet Party - CC’s - Sunbury

Thurs Apr 13 - Latin Dance Night - 10 PM - Stallions

Fri Apr 14 - Karaoke - 10 PM - Club Z - Williamsport

Sat Apr 15 - Danielle’s Diva Drag Cabaret Show - 9 PM - CC’s

Sun Apr 16 - Easter Sunday

Thurs Apr 20 - Amateur Strip Night - 11 PM - Stallions

Fri Apr 21 -    4th annual Miss PA American Illusion National Pageant 2006 - Red Star - Reading, Pa.
                                       Miss Pennsylvania American Illusion National Pageant 2006

                   Country Dance Night - 9 PM - Altland’s Ranch

Sat Apr 22 - Drag Show to benefit Miss Gay NEPA America Pageant - 9 PM - CC’s
                           CC's Night Club, RR#2 Box 287 Sunbury PA 17801

Sun Apr 23 - Drag Show to benefit Aids Walk - 9 PM - Stallions

Sun Apr 30 - Miss Gay Harrisburg Pageant - 9 PM - Stallions
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