Renaissance LSV November Newsletter 2005

Edited by Ellen Davidson

Renaissance LSV website:

   There will be a meeting of Renaissance LSV on Saturday, November 5, 2005 at the MCC Church on Jefferson St in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The doors open at 8:00 PM and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 PM.  The main business for the evening will be the election of officers for 2006.  Please bring something to share for refreshments.

Letter from the Chair

Hello All,

    Another year is almost past and don't know where it has gone.  With my transition it just seems a little faster.  Just to let you know ive gone back too work and paid the price for taking two months off.  IM very sore in all areas of my body.  For those of you that wish to know about the employer.  IM doing very well the people that talked to me before, I made the trans they don't talk to me.  That's ok with me for now. The new policy that gave me a zero tolerance is a very big help.  No one has even asked about my transition. Enough of me for the moment.

    Now for the moment we have an election to take care of this month. I will tell you now hat the Elections will be held by secret vote and no hands this is so no one knows who is doing what. I will have a check off sheet at the door for members to sign off on.  I remind you that this is only for the membership to vote. We also need a new Web-mistress. Rachel has stepped down, if we want the web to run we will need someone for that position

    Now for Dec we have a party to work with and if we done do anything with it by this meeting we will have some problems in holding the reservation.  Ellen and Kristen has been working with this so please have your money ready for the event.

I don't want to get to long but if I done see ya for the holidays, May Gods hand be upon you as we go through the toughest part of the year.

Angela K Garner

Hello Everyone,

      Some of you know me as Shania Shane; others know me from when I went by Michelle Lynn GreyFeather, before I started doing shows in the art of female Illusion and by my web site. Before I continue there is one thing I would like to make very clear to a few in the group, that is this fact. There is a time and a place for such things as doing shows in the art of Female Illusion. This Organization is neither the time, nor the place for this type of thing when it comes to Renaissance business and support of this organization's membership and the character and professionalism of this support group. I love entertaining in the art of female Illusion, but this is my hobby and favorite past time. When it would come to Renaissance business and members, the hobbies and favorite past times do not enter into the picture, AT ALL. 

   I know that some of you think that if I were to sit in the Managing Directors Chair I would want to turn this organization into a Drag Queen association and that is where all of you are very greatly mistaken. Some of you think you know me but you only know the one side of me, the show side, the entertainer. Some of you know that when I set my mind to something I get the job done and I usually accomplish the goals I set for myself, but, in this case, it will be the goals I set for Renaissance LSV. Some of you do not know me at all except maybe by sight; so, you'll have to pass judgment on me from the contents of this letter. I am professional in anything I do and will not be satisfied unless it is 100%.  I am someone of many talents and characters such as one who wants to help this organization grow and prosper into something much greater then it was in the past. I am naturally quiet and soft spoken, unless I am conducting business, chatting with friends, performing in shows or in this case running for office to restore the integrity of this organization. 

    With that said, I am declaring my candidacy for the Managing Directors Chair. I sincerely feel I can help this organization grow, bring more members to our family that seek and need help, introduce new programs to our membership and community and help to make Renaissance LSV a support group name everyone will remember and respect.  My first concern is for the membership of this wonderful organization, the support, the privacy, and security of every member within the group.

    I, myself, have issues, which need to remain private and secure from those whom I know will not accept my feminine side, just like most members have. But, the job of a director for this organization has to go beyond that to ensure the organization's capability to function and support those seeking help and to make the public aware of who we are and why we exist. I will, if elected, bring this organization back to something it was long ago and even go beyond that to build this group larger and better and more informative and supportive then it was.

   I plan to provide a Social program for those who wish to get out and about in safety and remain private and secure from those whom members feel will not accept them for who they really are inside, in Mind, Heart and Soul. I will be readily available and have my board readily available to help anyone who is seeking help and guidance and answer any questions asked to the best of my ability and the best of any board members ability. For years I studied anything and everything I could find pertaining to the Transgendered community, crossdressing, transsexualism, and transitioning, just to mention a few subjects, to learn about why I was and who I was and what the Transgendered community was all about. I found that there are many sub communities within the Transgendered community and each had their own set of feelings to deal with and problems which needed solved and more importantly helped with as well as the directions in which each community went in. I do not know it all that is a fact but I have become somewhat knowledgeable about things I need to know to help this organization and the support and guidance of its membership.
   Committees need to be formed to locate information and help for those in each category of the membership, ...  Crossdressing, Transitioning, Transsexualism, male to female, female to male, post op and pre op support, spousal and family support to name a few. There should be committees for each of these categories within the group structure to support those seeking help and guidance.

   I want to make meetings more enjoyable and social and much more supportive and informative to those who come here seeking help and guidance. I will strive to have order, peace and professionalism with every meeting and eliminate fights and arguments within the meeting structure.

   There are numerous things that need to be done to make this organization more professional and workable to its members. There is much more to this office then just sitting in the Directors chair, having the title and holding meetings. There is much work that needs to be accomplished. Some things greatly need revised and updated to bring this chapter to the present day order of business and support.  In order for this organization to remain a viable support group to the Transgendered community it has to keep up with the times and the changes; be more open and accessible by the community and more flexible to its members.

    I will set up a program for those with hardships who would want to become members and do not have the means to pay the membership fee. Some organizations elect board members because of popularity in the groups and not for the ability to run and build a membership or run an organization professionally. That is why some organizations fail and fall; lose members, support and donations.

   There are programs that need to be started which will improve the organizations public awareness and support. Help bring donations to the table to help support the organization and its members when they are in need. Programs which will reach out to those in the Transgendered community who need the assistance of a professional group in the work place, in schools and colleges as well as in social establishments and entertainment complexes and clubs.

    The one thing I will always keep in mind and make sure the rest of the board keeps in mind is the importance of this Organization to be able to provide help, guidance and support to those who need and seek it, for themselves, their wives, husbands and families. This is the main reason for this Organizations existence and will be its priority. The members right to privacy and secrecy of membership in this group is another priority of this organization and will continue to uphold that members right no matter what. This will be one of the main by laws and directives of this organization and will be upheld in all events.

   My goal, if elected, is all of this and much more, but the first step is being elected to the Managing Directors chair before any of this can be accomplished.

   I was, in the not so distant past, the Vice President in a trucking seaport container Association. I had over 4000 truckers and workers who depended on my decisions and help as well as the Presidents. That Association was based out of Baltimore, MD, and represented seaports and rail heads across the country.  Before leaving that office I was one of the leaders leading a movement to have seaport truckers become a part of the teamsters union for the entire coastal seaports, which is called Port Teamsters. The Longshoremen's union was working right along side us in this endeavor. I left the Vice Presidents chair because I could no longer do the job due to loosing my trucks and injuring my back. The job I was doing included much travel and strenuous work, which I could no longer do. I still am involved in this endeavor but not as a Vice President of a union. I have the experience and know how to build an organization, help and support a membership and counsel those seeking information and help. I know how to direct those seeking help in subjects I may not be able to help them with. I am not afraid to speak my piece and be heard and I will not back down when I know I am right, but I will be the first to tell anyone when I am wrong. 

       If you want someone to sit in the Managing Directors Chair that can bring this organization back to it's feet and make it more appealing and supportive to the Transgendered community, then I need your vote. If you think I am just blowing wind then don't vote for me, you must vote the way your heart tells you to vote. The person you elect to this chair is the person you will depend on for support, information, guidance and maintaining this organization character and professionalism. Keep that in mind when you vote in the upcoming election. If you do not vote for me, at least make sure you vote for someone who can follow thru and represent Renaissance LSV professionally and do the job right. Someone you can depend on to be there when they are needed. But I guarantee you improvement in this groups activity, support and its membership. I have no idea who else will be running for this office, but I feel I can improve this organization much more efficiently and effectively and am more qualified to accomplish the improvement and strength of this group and bring back the fun and integrity it used to have. 

With the Warmest regards to the membership,

Shania Shane,
AKA, ... Michelle Lynn GreyFeather
Ellen’s Corner

   Our next Renaissance LSV membership meeting is very important.  Elections will be held for Managing Director and the rest of the offices for the Board of Directors.  The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5 at 8:30 PM at the MCC Church in Harrisburg.

   The recent Halloween weekend was a lot of fun.  I had the opportunity to go out both Saturday and Sunday nights.  About 10 or 12 of us met at Stallions and visited the various clubs for the costume contests.  Some of the costumes were amazing and very creative.  Some of the winners were two Amish boys, a guy completely covered with silver paint and glitter, Supergirl, held captive with a kryptonite collar by some kind of winged critter, a head waiter with a head on a serving tray, Captain Hook carrying Tinker Belle, his prisoner, inside of a lantern, some who called herself Lulu Belle; she was a bout 250 pounds and a mass of colors, rainbow wig and crinolines and Sylvester, one of the first well known drag queens from San Francisco.  A former Miss Pa was even seen wearing a black slip that was named Freudian.  There were a lot of CDs out, some obviously for the first time.  I even had the opportunity at the Tally Ho to meet Loretta, who was Miss Tally HO back in the late 60’s.

   The annual Renaissance LSV Christmas Party will be held again Saturday, December 3 at the Canna Country Inn Bed and Breakfast in Etters, PA.  We had a great time last year as many of our members will attest.  We need at least 20 reservations at 32$ per person. Overnight accommodations at no additional charge will be available in the various guest rooms.  We will have the entire inn and all of its amenities including a fireplace, bar and game room for our own use.  Plans include dinner, gift exchange, breakfast to be provided by our hosts and other activities.  Last year some of us ventured out to area clubs.  I have provided the web site for you to check out the facilities.

   Please bring 32$ to the November meeting to confirm reservations as we must make a deposit as soon as possible.  Hope you can make it; this will be a lot of fun.  Please let me know if you are interested in attending.  There will be more information at the meeting.

Ellen Davidson
Program Director

Cathy’s Chatter

  Getting read. I think that this is the biggest fear of any TS or CD of either gender. An article that Ellen published in the September newsletter touched on this. I found it quite interesting and would like to touch on a few things I have noticed since coming out. For one thing, if you present yourself as a TS or a CD that is exactly how you will be seen and taken. Maybe you do not have a problem with this. Fine, then do not get upset when the general public questions or stares, or worse, attacks, verbally or otherwise. I have met some TS’s that are arrogant about this and are quick to display such. “ I have a right to be this way.” Those that say this are absolutely right, they do indeed have the right to flaunt what they are. With that out, there are those, such as myself who would rather keep a low profile. I am not referring to being in the closet, staying out of the public as much as possible and only going out when it gets dark. As a MTF, I present myself exactly as what, in my mind, I am, period. As a matter of nature, I am a transgendered individual. As a matter of my mind, I am a woman and that is how I present myself. I do not let on anymore than I need to that I am transgendered. To me, that is strictly need to know information. I notice what the women surrounding me are wearing at any one time and dress and act accordingly. As Ellen’s article stated, one should not go to the grocery store wearing what one would wear on an evening out. If the women at the store generally look like soccer moms, and they do usually, that is how I dress. The girls in my classes at school generally dress in jeans and tops or shorts when it’s warm. The guys do too. Low profile. Blend in. I never see a guy in my class other than a professor from time to time in a jacket and tie, and I never see other girls dress like they are going to a nightclub, and neither should we. I think I have made my point. I have quite a few “RG” friends who do not have a clue that I am anything but another female friend. To me, this is how things should be. I am seldom read, simply because I do not make a spectacle of myself. I don’t over do the make up, I act like any other woman, and most important, I interact with other females. This is me however, every one is their own person. If you want to stand on the capital steps and scream for transgender rights, go for it. It is a definite advantage in this world to be a male. FTM’s quickly discover what that feels like. If you are an MTF like me, then accept the fact that you will face certain discriminations, RG’s have been putting up with it all their lives, deal with it! Just my thoughts.

                                                                                                           Cathy 10/8/05

November Calendar - Ren LSV

Sat. Nov 5 -           Renaissance LSV Meeting - 8 PM - MCC Church in Harrisburg

Thurs. Nov 10 -      Miss Stallions Pageant - 8 PM

Sat. Nov 12 -        Wine tasting Party - 6 PM - Forever Books in Steelton - RSVP

-                          Rosie and the Naturals - KClingers Publick House - Etters

Fri. Nov 18 -          Country Dance Night - 9 PM - Altland’s Ranch

                          Drag show - Pink Lizard

Wed. Nov 23 -      Dance Party/Karaoke - 10 PM - Stallions

Thurs. Nov 24 -     Thanksgiving

Fri. Nov 25 -          Black Friday Party at Pink Lizard

Sat. Dec 3 -          Renaissance LSV Christmas Party - Canna Country Inn - Etters

                          Canna Country Inn Web Site ...

Sun. Dec 4 -         Football at 12:30 PM and Flea Market - Pink Lizard

                          Drag queens are cleaning out their closets and Marcia is cleaning out the attic                                                           of bar stuff.

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